Automate Operations for Precision, Efficiency & Reliability

At Logicon, the top DevOps service provider, we maximize business potential through expert DevOps consulting services for streamlined operations and accelerated time-to-market while minimizing errors.

DevOps service provider


Reduction in Deployment Time


Reduction in Errors


DevOps Projects completed


saved in cost optimization

Companies Who Trust Logicon

Our Next-Gen DevOps Development services

Cloud Assessment

Transform your operations with our DevOps assessment – we pinpoint errors causing issues, untapped opportunities, and substantial cost reductions with optimization, ensuring your pathway to success is both efficient and cost-effective.

Cloud Infrastructure Management

Cost Optimization Services

Revolutionize your cloud expenditure with our cost optimization service – we slash your cloud costs by up to 35%, and you only pay us a percentage of the savings, ensuring a winning partnership that maximizes efficiency

Cost Optimization

DevOps Managed

Let us handle it all! With our DevOps managed services, you can forget about the technical details – we’ve got you covered from optimization to monitoring, so you can focus on what matters most to your business.

DevOps Managed services

You Can Count Us On For

Infrastructure Automation

Logicon’s DevOps automation services enhance efficiency by developing and overseeing infrastructure as code for automating IT resource provisioning, scaling, and management.

Continuous Integration and Deployment (CI/CD)

Take control of your software development with Jenkins, Travis CI, and CircleCI, automating the building, testing, and deployment phases seamlessly

Containerization and Orchestration

Optimize software delivery by containerizing applications and orchestrating container management with Docker and Kubernetes.

Monitoring And Logging

Drive operational excellence by monitoring the performance and health of your applications and infrastructure, and employing analysis for effective issue resolution.

Cloud Infrastructure Management

Take charge of cloud-based infrastructure, optimizing usage proficiently with Amazon Web Services AWS DevOps services, Microsoft Azure DevOps services, or Google Cloud Platform (GCP) services

Security And Compliance

Validate the conformity of your software development and deployment with fundamental security and regulatory standards.

Our Bespoke Solutions in Action